Chery A1 Review and Road Test – Keep up with Dodge!


 Chery A1 Review and Road Test

As a “internationalization” new car, Chery A1 received great concern before release. Today we take a look where A1‘s well-recognized highlights and shortages.

  • Harmonious appearance has gone beyond all of other Chery models
  • Design of internal trim is unique, practicality is general
  • Interior space and seats is outstanding
  • As a home use car, Chery A1’s power is not satisfied at all

Chery A1 Review and Road Test – Keep up with Dodge!

Chery A1 Review and Road Test – Appearance

Chery A1 Review and Road Test – Interior Design

Chery A1 Review and Road Test – Comfort and Space

Chery A1 Review and Road Test – Power

Chery A1 Review and Road Test – Drive Test Result

Chery A1 Review and Road Test – Summary
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