Lynk & Co To Enter European Market in 2020, Mainly Based On Leasing


Recently, Wei Silan, senior vice president of Lynk & Co, said in an interview with foreign media that the timetable for the introduction of Lynk & Co into the European market in 2020 has not changed, but the plan to be produced at the Volvo Ghent plant in Belgium will become to produce in China.

Wei Silan, senior vice president of Lynk & Co

Wei Silan said that Lynk & Co will sell in Europe in the second quarter of 2020, but the place of production will be changed to China. The reason is that the current Volvo XC40 sales performance is huge, so the main production of Volvo XC40’s Ghent plant in Belgium has no excess capacity left to Lynk & Co.

For Lynk & Co’s sales mode in European market, Wei Silan said that the traditional dealer mode will no longer be adopted. In the future, Lynk & Co will provide services to end users in the “subscription” mode. The so-called “subscription” mode can be understood as the “finance leasing” model, end users can choose to pay a certain monthly rent to use the products of the company, and they can return the products when the end users no longer need to use.

Volvo Ghent Plant

Wei Silan said that European consumers spend an average of 500 euros per month on travel after Lynk & Co’s survey results in the European market, but in the future, Lynk & Co’s “subscription” mode in the European market will not cost less than 250 euros, which means that the future subscription mode used by Lynk & Co in the European market will cost less than the average travel cost of the consumer.

In addition, for Lynk & Co’s brand planning and product planning in the European market, Wei Silan said that in the future, Lynk & Co may only introduce plug-in hybrid or pure electric vehicles in the European market, and Lynk & Co may become an EV brand in the future.