Haval IF & Voleex C20R Launches|Great Wall Motors on Shanghai Auto Show


Great Wall Motors attends Shanghia Auto Show 2011 at E3 Exhibition, many new models are in their first revel, such as Haval IF, Voleex C20R, and Haval H5, M2,M4, Voleex C30,C30i, Voleex C50, C80 (Cowry),GWPERI, Wingle CL,Wingle 5. The following are some of the photos from the Auto Show, you may also find more information of other kinds of Chinese Vehicle Manufacturers from the following Live Map:


C20R | Great Wall Motors

Great Wall Voleex C20R

Haval IF on Revealed on Shanghai Auto Show 2011

Haval IF

Haval M4

Haval M4

Wingle CL | Great Wall New Pickup Model
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