Great Wall Motor Hover SUV Review and Test Drive – Power and Test


New Hover’s power has been upgraded from Mitsubishi 4G64 to 4G69 engine, the engine can break out maximum 136hp horsepower while in 5250rpm, and also reaches its maximum torque of 200 Nm

The new Great Wall Hover is not just simple changed the details on the appearance, in addition, the gasoline model of the power has been upgraded from Mitsubishi 4G64 to 4G69 engine, the engine can break out maximum 136hp horsepower while in 5250rpm, and also reaches its maximum torque of 200 Nm

Deviation of the speedmeter

Diagram of speedmeter deviation

To be able to quickly find out its limit attitude, we first test of its high-speed cornering. Hover’s suspension was set a little soft, the vehicle is severely rolling when the speed is nearly 60 km/h, at the moment, it is difficult to hold the road.

Hover X240 High Speed Turning test

0-100km / h Acceleration Test

Hover X240 Acceleration Test  Diagram

For such a slightly heavy vehicles, the acceleration test seemed embarrassed it, but that is not the case. 2.4 liters of displacement with a 5-speed manual transmission is sufficient to create a good result, but it would lose a lot of fun to drag such 2 tons of big guy.

Although the beginning of the G value has been reached 0.6G, we are still not aware of the strong sense of pushing back. After several tests, The 0-100km / h acceleration performance of Hover is set to be grid 13.70 seconds.
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