Blackberry recently signed a cooperation agreement with Baidu to work on the development and application of in-vehicle software. Since its decision to abandon the Blackberry device and the mobile phone hardware business, Blackberry has shifted its focus on software and Internet services. The company has broken new ground in the automotive field with its QNX system vehicle software solution that provides networking for the automobiles of different car manufacturers.

According to reports, Baidu will integrate Blackberry’s QNX system to its Apollo autonomous vehicle platform. Future plans include the development of an in-vehicle infotainment system also intended for integration to the Apollo platform.
The Apollo is a software platform created by Baidu for its partners in the automotive and autonomous driving industries to help them integrate vehicles and hardware systems to build a complete autonomous driving system. Baidu Apollo had the most test vehicles that figured in the Beijing Autonomous Vehicle Road Test Report of 2019 at 52. The company also registered the most test mileage at 754,000km.

The Blackberry QNX system currently enjoys renown in offering outstanding performance in car entertainment and map navigation systems. With the integration of its software products into the Blackberry QNX automotive infotainment platform, Baidu will move ever closer to its goals for autonomous vehicles.