Driving a motor vehicle implies assuming a duty of care so that everybody maintains their safety while on the road. Unfortunately, many drivers engage in reckless behaviors, endangering the lives of other drivers.
You might experience high levels of confusion when you end up in a car accident. Not your fault. You respected all road regulations and still got injured due to another’s negligence and reckless behavior.
Breaching the duty of care and harming others by engaging in dangerous behaviors while on the road will cause extensive damage and severe injuries, sometimes even death. Suppose you want to ensure that you stay safe while driving. In that case, here are nine common causes of car accidents and how you can prevent them.
1. Speeding Over Legal Limit
Speeding over the limit leads to dire consequences in traffic. Not only are faster vehicles more likely to crash, but the severity of the inflicted injuries will also be higher. Even if the faster vehicle manages to hit the brakes in time, the car will skid over a longer distance due to the laws of motion.
2. Driving Under the Influence
Being under the influence while driving increases the risk of colliding with another car. Substances such as alcohol or illicit drugs affect concentration, significantly reduce reaction time, and blur vision. You might not be able to react if something comes your way (animal, road hazard).
3. Distracted Driving
Distracted driving is increasingly becoming one of the most common causes of car accidents. Since technology and social media are on the rise, people have been using their phones to call, text and network while on the road. Using the phone while driving will decrease your attention span, increasing the chances of being involved in an accident.
4. Running Red Lights and Stop Signs
It can be tempting to run a red light or a stop sign when you rush to work, but it does not mean that you will arrive earlier. It has been proven that traffic jams happen due to drivers breaking the road rules at intersections. Speeding in an intersection increases your chances of crashing.
5. Driver’s Fatigue
When a driver experiences sleepiness, drowsiness, or exhaustion, their ability to drive safely decreases considerably. It is best practice to have a good rest before deciding to drive.
6. Weather Conditions
No one can predict the weather they will have while on the road, especially if you are planning a long drive. If you are surprised by bad weather conditions such as heavy rain, snow, or ice, you might need help continuing your trip safely. Additionally, fog and wind speed are factors that can lead to potential accidents.
7. Road Hazards
Roads that lack maintenance become hazards for drivers. The administration responsible for the road’s safety must use proper signage to ensure drivers are aware of the incoming hazards.
8. Vehicle Defects
It is always better to ensure that your car works appropriately before starting your trip. Otherwise, you risk remaining strained on the road. If you are driving at high speed, you might collide with other cars, inflicting extensive damage.
9. Animal Crossings
If you are driving through forests or wild areas, there is a high chance that you will encounter a wild animal crossing the road. Suppose you were distracted by other activities when you encountered the animal. In that case, you might not have the time to react and get into an accident.