Recently, it seems Great Wall Motor has eyes only for CROSSOVER style, in succession of Haval M1’s launch (in fact, it is equivalent to GWPERI CROSS), FLORID CROSS, a more personalized cross-boundary-style vehicle: Haval M2 is coming to launch, actually you can find the relationship with Coolbear. Let’s take a look at the attractive features of Haval M2, and the difference with Coolbear.
So you’ve seen the relationship between Haval M2 and Coolbear, and maybe you have already known much about Coolbear, so I’m not willing to expend too much energy to repeat the same content, people who wish to know more characteristics of Coolbear, you can read about the experience article of Coolbear, this article will be more concerned about the difference between M2 and Coolbear.
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